Establishment and Evolution of Pradeshiya Sabha
The four corals and the three corals were part of the Maya country in the three provinces of Ruhuna, located and located in the Maya provinces of Dehiowita.AD The Dehiowita Pradeshiya Sabha territory belongs to the kingdom of Seethawaka, the kingdom of the Mayadunne and Rajasinghe kings, known as the first sword-wielding kingdom against the Western domination which was a powerful kingdom from 1521-1593. Provides historical evidence that.
The center of this kingdom was the Maniyamgama area at that time which is believed to have belonged to more than a thousand villages. AD Due to the arrival of the Portuguese in Ceylon in 1505, this period is considered to be a dark age, with the decline of Sasana history and the extreme decline in religious, social, cultural, educational and linguistic literature.The Dehiowita Pradeshiya Sabha area can be described as an area inhabited by a brave and patriotic people.
Due to its geographical location, gorges, mountains, rivers, mountain ranges, forest gorges, volcanic gorges and Panka gorges are some of the places that may have been chosen as a kingdom. Dr. Moggallana Sthaveera points out Or clay. Mulagiri Pandita,Due to the abundance of the stream or the presence of mud due to rain water, it is often pointed out that waterlogged lands belong to the category of fanatics and when viewed from the Seethawaka kingdom it is seen that only about 3/5 of the water is retained. Mountains and rivers also provide protection.
The role of the Dehiowita Pradeshiya Sabha in Seethawaka, which has such a glorious past, is to provide the highest level of service that will satisfy the people. Development of infrastructure such as road drainage systems to achieve the aspirations for the welfare of the people of the area through balanced and sustainable development and to enhance the economic development of the area;Our aim is to improve the living conditions of our people and their physical environment by providing street lighting and creating a healthier environment.